Raynsford Academy Church of England Acdemy

Ethos and Values

At Raynsford Church of England School, we believe that each of us, children and adults, are uniquely made and a gift from God. As a Church of England school, with Christian values at the heart, we provide a safe, inspiring and nurturing environment school community for all. Those who are Christian, of other faiths or none, are equally welcomed here.

We aim for all children to display our values, rooted in Christian teaching and enable each child to reach their full potential. We pride ourselves on celebrating our uniqueness, incorporating our diversity and differences in an engaging curriculum.

We aspire for everyone to flourish; academically, spiritually, socially and morally. We believe teaching and learning fosters curiosity and wonder in an ever-changing world, whilst celebrating the success of the whole child and as part of our community



Our vision, deeply rooted in Christian values is that, our children thrive in a safe environment, are celebrated for their uniqueness and are empowered to meet their full potential. 


At Raynsford, through our shared Christian values, our vision is to encourage loving ‘FRIENDS’ who are:








“Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help.”
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10