Welcome to Rayndrops pre-school.
We are a part of Raynsford Church of England Academy and have adopted the school's principles and values.
We have a purpose-built classroom and outdoor area and offer a play-based curriculum where children will have the opportunity to explore, experiment and enquire about the world about them, fully supported by highly qualified and motivated members of staff.
It is our aim to provide high quality Early Years care and education for the Pre-School children of Henlow and the surrounding areas.
We aim to:
- provide a safe and healthy enabling environment
- work in partnership with parent and carers to help their children learn and develop
- value everyone in the group
- promote an environment of equality and diversity
- provide a stimulated place for children to learn through their play
We take children from the term after they are two years old and offer the following sessions:
Monday - Friday (Term time only - see main school website for term dates)
8.30am - 11.30 am (3 hours morning session)
11.45am - 3.00pm (3.25 hours afternoon session)
alternatively we can also offer a full day, including lunch this runs from:
8.30am - 3.00pm (6.5 hours full day session)
Miss Danielle Goggins - Manager
Miss Ella Winwood- Early Years Apprentice
Miss Naomi Whitbread - Early Years Practitioner
Mrs Jane Payne - Early Years Practitioner
Mrs Liz Renney - Early Years Practitioner
Mrs Denise Smith - Early Years Practitioner
Mrs Leah Fookes - Early Years Practitioner
Miss Lisa Sipols - Early Years Practitioner
We have a total of 28 places available per morning session and 28 per afternoon session (subject to availability).
Applications are welcome for the next academic year 2024_25
For further details on funding please refer to the Rayndrops Pre-School prospectus via the link below.
Coming soon (in the process of being updated)
Expression of Interest Form 2024
Orders for uniform are now made via ParentMail under the Payment / Shop tab.
30 Hours and Tax-Free Childcare
Since the launch of 30 hours and Tax-Free Childcare there has been feedback that parents are not always sure how the government’s childcare offers can be used together. To help clarify this the DfE and HMRC have worked together to produce a one-page Childcare Overview that sets out all the government’s childcare offers for parents, helping them to understand at a glance what support might be available to them and how the offers interact (please see below).
Helping to Pay for Childcare Overview
Tax-Free Childcare for 2 and 3 year olds
Remember that parents can use Tax-Free Childcare alongside their 30 hours. With Tax-Free Childcare, for every £8 parents pay into their childcare account, the government will provide a top-up of £2, up to a total of £2,000 per child per year (and up to £4,000 for disabled children).
Government 30 free childcare funding
Useful Information (click on the titles to link)