British Value
How we promote the value
Love, Unity, Co-operation, Trust, Responsibility, Freedom, Sharing
- School vision, aims & ethos
- School values
- Owl parliament
- Policies, particularly our Behaviour policy and SMSC policy
- School rules
- Learning walks for behaviour
- RE Planning and children’s work
- PSHCE planning and children’s work
- Pupil, Parent, Governor & Staff questionnaires
- Children are given the opportunity to take on leadership roles, taking responsibility for clubs, lunch time , collective worship and Tweety monitors.
- Children are encouraged to work cooperatively in pairs and groups as well as whole class situations.
Rule of Law
Love, Understanding, Peace, Freedom, Forgiveness, Honesty, Respect
- School vision, aims & ethos
- School values
- School parliament
- Policies, particularly our Behaviour policy and SMSC policy
- School rules
- Class rules
- Learning walks for behaviour
- PSHE planning and children’s work, teaching the value and reason behind laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken
- The importance of laws, whether they are those that govern the class, the school, or the country is consistently reinforced
- Pupil, Parent & Staff questionnaires
- Visits from other authorities, such as the Police, Fire Brigade, Nurses etc.
Individual Liberty
Love, Appreciation, Freedom, Courage, Hope, Joy, Simplicity
- School vision, aims & ethos,
- School values
- Freedom to make choices within a safe and controlled environment
- Show independence in learning
- Respect other’s views
- Choice of presentation of homework through weekly learning logs
- Enrichment opportunities for individuals and groups
- SEND – providing child centred learning for all abilities
- School Parliament – a voice for children
- Celebrating all children’s achievements e.g. academic, sporting, creative
- Exercise their rights and personal freedom safely e.g. E-safety guidance, PSHCE lessons
Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
Love, Friendship, Understanding, Patience, Appreciation, respect, Humility, Co-operation, Tolerance, Community
- School vision, aims & ethos,
- School values We recognise that we are all equal, all different and all unique through promoting values that focus on love, respect and tolerance
- Mutual respect is pivotal and is promoted explicitly in our RE and PSHCE curriculum
- Learning about different faiths is embedded in our RE syllabus. Children respect and appreciate the differences between faiths, taking part in faith walks, visits to places of worship, welcoming religious leaders from different faiths
- Exploring how our values are important in different faiths
- Participating in multi faith celebrations and festivals
- An appreciation of the global community in collective worship including discussion of world events
- Behaviour policy
- SMSC policy